Learn the basics of Intuitive Eating for you and your children in a fast moving, info-rich free masterclass led by Leemor.
Find out how the research-validated Intuitive Eating approach can work specifically for your family.
Join a 30 minute live talk followed by 15 minutes of live Q and A and receive:
A 10% discount on the cost of the one-on-one 6-month coaching program
A free workbook to use after the class
Unlimited access to the class recording for eternity
Can you relate to any of this? Then this class is for you.
You are sick and tired of dieting over and over again, and just want to trust yourself around food. You want the whole family to get on board with Intuitive Eating so that meals are no longer so emotionally charged.
You feel like food is a source of angst for you, and you can’t have your kids feel this way too.
You find that no matter how hard you try, you just cannot lose weight. You really must lose weight. You have to lose weight and keep it off for good. But at the same time, you don’t want your kids to dislike their bodies.
You want to feel good about your body, even in a bathing suit in front of your great aunt Sally at the town pool. You hate when your kids witness your body shame.
Your exercise habits are all over the place, and you’re so mad that you cannot get into your old routine that felt so good. You want your kids to experience exercise as joyful movement and not a chore.
You wish you could take a break from exercise without feeling guilty, and worried about gaining weight.
You dread going out to dinner because it usually sets you off to the races. Those bread baskets are torturous. Your kids grab the bread often too and it feels out of control.
Seeing extended family at Thanksgiving feels like you are in a display case at a museum.
You are worried about your kids and their relationship to food and their bodies. You have to do something about it.
The very last thing you want is for your kids to feel weird about their bodies and food.
The masterclass will ease your body and food anxiety. Here’s what we will cover. For anxiety-free parenting.
An overview of the 10 steps of Intuitive Eating, the revolutionary, research backed anti-diet approach to eating. Practice Intuitive Eating so your kids can too.
Incorporate Intuitive Eating into your home without confusion, arguments or stress.
Reject diet culture and the damaging messages that impact our mental and physical health.
Develop peace around food, approaching and enjoying it with minimal charged emotion, fear, or shame. Incorporate structure but not control into your feeding.
Follow your body’s internal hunger and fullness cues and find true satisfaction with eating. Become a role model for your kids.
Trust and respect your body in any shape or size. Trust and respect your kids’ bodies in any shape or size.
Encourage gentle nutrition at home without enforcing a toxic mentality around food.
Explore how your relationship with exercise can become joyful and not miserable. Get your kids to enjoy movement.
An overview of the Division of Responsibilty, Ellyn Satter’s work on how to feed kids.
The masterclass is not for you if …
Your relationship with food and exercise is not an issue for you at all.
You are a very emotional eater and you know for sure that tapping into your intuition is pointless.
You’ve tried Intuitive Eating and failed.
You have an active eating disorder that requires treatment from a qualified professional.
You don’t have the mental space for personal transformation. Life is too challenging at the moment for personal transformation.
You can’t imagine giving up dieting. Ever. It’s just the way you will always operate.
You feel that movement could never be fun or joyful. Your kids know that exercise is an unpleasant chore that has to get done. There’s no way to change that.
Dieting isn’t the problem. It’s your body that is the problem.
You are not worried about your children developing a strained relationship with food and their bodies.