The Intuitive Eating Video Channel - free sign up.
The FREE Intuitive Eating Video Channel is here.
Three short, inspiring and info-rich videos to get you and your family started on Intuitive Eating. Three days in a row.
Available forever.
Sign up to receive 3 short videos (under 10 minutes) sent to your inbox 3 days in a row:
Aug. 30th Video Drop: Channel your self-compassion.
Becoming an Intuitive Eater means changing your mindset about your body, food, and emotions. For many of us living in diet culture, this is a radical intellectual process that requires patience and a strong dose of self-compassion.
I’ll cover Kristen Neff’s pioneering and inspiring components of self-compassion: self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness.
Aug. 31st Video Drop: Channel an abundance mindset.
Diet culture encourages a restrictive mindset which disconnects you from your body's natural hunger and fullness cues.
Over time, this does a number on your body trust. I know, because I dieted for 30 years!
Rejecting the diet mentality is an important part of an abundance mindset. It’s starts with reframing your thoughts.
Sept. 1st Video Drop: Channel structure, not control when feeding kids.
Feeding kids can be both mind-numbingly irritating and down-right confusing. All the requests, all the whining.
Kids need structured meals and snacks and a nurturing environment for eating. In diet culture it’s easy for control to take the place of structure.
Get quick tips to jump start healthy eating. For you and your family.
Is this you?
I'm seeking moms who at times turn to food to manage.
I'm seeking moms who feel that they should not eat so many chips, but eat them anyway, and then feel guilty, and then criticize themselves, or yell at their kids or partner.
And that's not even where it ends.
If you have complicated feelings about food.
If you want to un-learn the damaging diet culture messages.
If you want to learn about Intuitive Eating but don't have time or desire to join a class like this one.
If working on your own relationship with food is on your mind, but just need a kick in the @ss to get going, then this new FREE educational drop is for you.
If it's time to do inner work so that you can do external work.
So you can help your kids develop healthy feelings about their bodies and food.
One thing is clear. Diet culture is not for you.
The Intuitive Eating Channel is for you.
💪 You know that you are getting many parenting things right. But in the food department, it's a little dicey. It’s that snacks feel like meals and meals feel like snacks sometimes.
💪You agree that diet culture is maddening. And Intuitive Eating is about giving yourself unconditional permission to eat. How is that something you can do?
💪You love your kid and love their body. You're concerned that they are not getting this message.
💪You wonder if you will ever love your own body.
The IE Channel is for you if this resonates with you.
I'm dropping my Intuitive Eating Video Channel on August 30th.
It’ll be just as good as the best french fry.
Sign up to receive a short video a day for 3 days. Listen whenever you want forever.
Aug. 30th: Channel your self-compassion.
Sept 1st: Channel an abundance mindset.
Sept. 2nd: Channel structure, not control when feeding kids.
It's not that you don't have coping tools. You do. It's just that the way you feel about food and your body is just meh. You want your kids to feel body love. Intuitive Eating sounds like something worth investigating.
I'm all about helping you become more intuitive with your own eating so that you can raise Intuitive Eaters.
It's not simple. Diet culture makes it complex.
I can tell you from my experience that it's tough to raise Intuitive Eaters if you are not one yourself.
Don't let diet culture continue to steal your life, like one of the OGs, Christy Harrison says.
Take back the right you were born with, the right to feel your fullness, honor your hunger and find satisfaction in food.
Intuitive Eating is the O G. Get on board with the Intuitive Eating Channel today and find a new freedom for you and your family.