Group Coaching

Connect and learn with other families on the same intuitive eating journey

Join our 8-week Intuitive Eating Group Coaching program, where families like yours come together for weekly Zoom sessions. This shared experience fosters a sense of camaraderie and motivation, enhancing your learning through diverse perspectives and mutual encouragement.

Here’s what you get

  • 75-minute once per week group coaching. The first 30 minutes is the lesson of the week, and the rest of the time is Q&A and discussion

  • Follow-up notes for you after every session with reflection questions and/or general action items

  • Slack group for the parent community to offer community support as needed

  • Limited to 12 people per coaching group for an optimal learning environment

Begins Monday, July 1st, 2024 at 7pm
and runs for 8 consecutive Mondays

$600 for 8 weeks

Weekly Breakdown

  • We start off with an examination of dieting and a rundown of the cunning power of diet culture. This is where you learn the misconceptions about health you may have and start learning how to stop diet talk in your home.

    Turn this:

    “I have no idea how to eat. I do not want my kids to have the body and food issues that I have.”

    Into this:

    “Dieting and diet culture is cunning, and I am learning how to combat the negativity around food and body that I’ve held so tightly.”

  • Week two will help you establish unconditional love for your kid’s body and teach you about the link between mental and physical health. You’ll learn how to respond rather than react to your kids when the topic of food comes up and start learning how to teach your kids to reject body shaming at school.

    Turn this:

    “I’m embarrassed and upset about the shame that I have for my body, and I see that I have placed this shame on my kids.”

    Into this:

    “I can be upset about my own self-imposed shame WHILE AT THE SAME TIME offering my kids a new unconditional love where I don’t talk about their appearance.”

  • Self-compassion is critical in finding body and food freedom. You have to have it for yourself first so you can teach your kids how to be self-compassionate. Learning the basics of regulating your nervous system, self-care, and combatting perfectionism will be powerful tools you will have after this week.

    Turn this:

    “I can’t believe how much damage I’ve done with food and body stuff. My kids will never be alright with this stuff.”

    Into this:

    “I’m learning to feel good about what I'm doing right and accept that I’m not perfect. I understand the power of pausing to improve my self-compassion.”

  • Once the basic foundations are established, we can dive into the principles of Intuitive Eating. You will learn the first five principles which will help you to separate morality from food, learn how to build boundaries around food, and allow you to start building a culture of abundance in your home. Plus, this week, you will start learning what to do with picky eaters!

    Turn this:

    “I just have to find the right diet, or I will never make peace with food or my body, and it will be all my fault.”

    Into this:

    “I am making peace with my body slowly by unpacking and unlearning diet mentality and learning how to focus on my intuition.”

  • In week five, we continue with the second five principles of Intuitive eating and you’ll learn how to pay attention to the sensory parts of eating, which will bring more satisfaction out of food. We will also have an honest (and maybe a little uncomfortable) discussion about nutrition.

    Turn this:

    “My kids have seen me eat too much or too little because I couldn’t deal with my emotions. This will definitely screw them up.”

    Into this:

    “I’m realizing that eating can be emotional, and that’s okay. But I’m working on not managing my emotions with food, and this may take me a while. I am recovering, and that’s what matters.”

  • This week, you’ll learn what the Division of Responsibility is and how to make it work for you. You’ll learn how to provide the when, where, and what of eating while still allowing your kids to decide what and how much to eat.

    Turn this:

    “Our meals at home feel like a ZOO. This child likes this, this child doesn’t like this anymore, and I’m just a short-order chef, hungry and exhausted half the time. Meanwhile, it feels like they only eat garbage.”

    Into this:

    “Figuring out how to get children to trust their bodies with food will take time but result in less chaos. Trusting a child’s intuition in diet culture is counter-cultural, but I know it is the right thing to do.”

  • Week seven will help you learn how to respond to picky eating and understand how children become “Competent Eaters.” You will learn how to enjoy a variety of food… even ones you wish you liked but don’t(yet). Plus, learn about trusting your body to eat the right amount for its needs and trusting your kids' bodies to do the same.

    Turn this:

    “My friend’s kids eat like every leafy green, and they even eat salmon. It feels like my kid’s diet is limited to mostly carbs. I’m worried that they are never going to eat normal food and that their diet will impact their health.”

    Into this:

    “If my kids are growing and I am providing them structured meals and the basic building blocks of carbs, protein, and fat, I’m doing a good enough job. I don’t need to worry about my kids' food consumption in relation to other kids.”

  • To wrap it all up, in week eight, we make a commitment to change. By now, you’ve done the work to embrace resilience, learned SO much, and worked out your self-compassion muscles! To top off the program, you’ll learn how to get other caregivers on board and how to continue on your journey in a neutral and compassionate way.

    Turn this:

    “This all feels like just another diet.”

    Into this:

    “When I start to think about perfectly abiding by the rules of DOR and IE, I start to think in black and white. But everything is a spectrum.”

Ready to learn more? Click the link and fill out the form!

We will set up a free call to discuss the details of my program and see if it’s the right fit for your family.