what is Coaching?

The Blueprint to Create an Intuitive Eating Home

  • Is what you eat, how you eat it, and your feelings about your body getting in the way of feeling competent around feeding your kids? 

  • Are you concerned that your children are eating more or less than they “should” at meal and snack time? 

  • Maybe you’re still healing from the diet culture you grew up in and are terrified of passing that down to your kids. It’s normal to feel confused about what ‘healthy eating’ means to you and your family.

In reality, how your child eats is more important than what your child eats.

Going on this journey of deconstructing your ideas and relationship to food is a tough one to take alone. When you add on the parenting pressure of not wanting to create the same struggles for your children but not knowing how to do better, it can feel downright overwhelming.

Here’s where Family Food Freedom Coaching comes in…

The first step in finding food freedom for your family is to get on board with Intuitive Eating. Family Food Freedom Coaching guides you through a step-by-step process of learning to trust your body and teaching your children to do the same. 

I’ve taken my education and decades in coaching and training, combined it with the anti-diet work that changed my life, and developed a fun, life-changing Intuitive Eating Coaching program for the whole family. 

This is an anti-diet approach to free you from toxic mentalities and help you build neutrality with food and your body - for you and your kids. Feeding your kids can be one of the most difficult parenting challenges.  

Let’s change that together

When you finish my program, you’ll have a strong Intuitive Eating foundation, more self-compassion, and a clear framework for you to build upon. Basically, a blueprint on how to create an intuitive eating environment in your home.

Learn to Replace Dieting Ideas With Un-Dieting Action and Take a Deep Dive With an Expert Educator and Coach by Your Side!

Coaching FAQs

  • No, I’m sorry. If you are not finding the experience beneficial, please reach out to me. I can’t do this without your feedback.

  • This is a loaded question with a nuanced answer… Weight loss is NEVER the focus here. Diets send you in a tizzy and ultimately hurt your psychological health and well-being. Intuitive Eating is about learning how to trust your body’s cues, which might lead to body changes, but it’s impossible to know. Intuitive Eating is about engaging your emotions, and body’s natural attunement.

  • You are in charge of feeding your child and creating the structure around food. The best way to teach your child is to model the behavior you’d like them to learn. This process definitely starts with you.

  • Only you and your kids can decide what foods your kid should eat. We will definitely work through some of the confusion and common myths around ‘healthy eating.’ The two most important things here are developing a regular eating structure and providing carbs, protein, and fat.

  • No, I’m an Intuitive Eating Certified Counselor, and I come to you with decades of coaching experience. Definitely seek out an Anti-Diet Registered Dietitian if you’d like more intense nutrition guidance. We will touch on a bit of gentle nutrition, but my coaching is primarily about releasing all the diet messaging that we've internalized. This is a process that focuses on becoming attuned to your body's emotional and physical signals around food. The result is satisfaction in eating and obsession, shame and guilt-free living!  

    Satisfaction in this coaching context has very little to do with nutrition.

  • Our focus is on getting you and your children to develop a relationship with exercise that is more joyful and accessible. Often this starts with untangling long-held beliefs about the purpose of exercise in your life.  Diet culture and healthism, two systems of oppression, can make thinness a moral imperative when we are barely even looking.