Help your family find food freedom and body neutrality.

Break free from the diet culture madness with an Intuitive Eating coach. Get the parenting tools you need to raise your kids in a supportive, Intuitive Eating environment. 

Never feel like you have to enforce food restriction again, and learn how to encourage nutrition in a positive, shame-free way!

Growing up in diet culture is full of toxic binary thinking, like…

  • line drawing of a bowl of salad

    That’s too much salad dressing and not enough lettuce. You might as well eat a cheeseburger.

  • That number on the scale is too much. You’ll never be good enough in a body that size.

  • line drawing of a sneaker

    You eat too much and don’t exercise enough. No pain, no gain!

This binary thinking is poison

It shames you into eating a diet that fits the popular fad of the time instead of listening to your body and its needs. It teaches you that your size is directly connected to your worth and your health. 

Imagine what it would have been like if you hadn’t grown up with this always-too-much-and-never-enough mentality about food and your body. Think about how it would have felt to have never worried about the numbers on the scale. 

As a parent, this is what you want for your children

For them to have the body neutrality and food freedom that you didn’t have growing up. To teach them how to listen to their body, have a shame-free relationship with food, and love themselves no matter their size. 

At Family Food Freedom, this is our mission!

To help your whole family (including you) break free from diet culture and find body and food freedom.

  • What is Food Freedom?

    Food freedom is about feeling a sense of peace around food, approaching and enjoying it with minimal charged emotion, fear, or shame. It’s where, as a parent, you can encourage nutrition without enforcing a toxic mentality around food onto your kids.

  • What is Body Neutrality?

    Body neutrality is the counter-cultural journey to trusting and respecting your body, no matter how it looks or what size it is. It’s about identifying that your body is the least interesting thing about you and is in no way connected to your self-worth!

Our Process

Our Intuitive Eating coaching program stands out as a multi-stage individualized approach, uniquely designed to help you build a nutrition-positive and shame-free environment where your family can truly thrive.

  • The Foundation

    Here’s where we identify where you are with your food and body struggles to set your foundation before moving into where your family is. You’ll learn how to develop self-compassion, which is an access point to developing a rock-solid foundation that allows you to nurture change in an uplifting and expansive way.

  • The Basics

    The Basics stage is a transformative journey where you'll gain a deep understanding of the Intuitive Eating philosophy and learn how to raise intuitive eaters. You’ll also discover how to remove the binary approach to food and create a nutrition-positive space for your entire family.

  • Growth

    As you progress through the program, you and your children will work towards developing body neutrality, awareness, and respect for all bodies and contribute to cultivating a more inclusive world.

Don't just take our word for it.

Don't just take our word for it.

“Leemor was so supportive and such a warm and nonjudgmental listener to the struggles I was having with my kids. I wanted structure around how to teach my kids to be just happy with food and not have debates inside of myself to feel comfortable with whatever it was that was going on and know that it wasn’t the end of the world…”

— Sonja (kids ages 4 & 6)